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29 de juny 2018

Drawing Sketches

1st activity: Drawing skills. Students have to practise some techniques of how to use a pencil, how to give tonality and texture to a picture. They ar not allow to use rubber (difficult to believed but possible) 
They have to make 4 sketches:
  1. Drawing from observation. They have to observe something and draw it.
  2. Drawing from memory. They have to observe something some minutes, see shape and details. Then the thing is taken out and they have to draw from memory. When finish, they can see the differences and similarities from the original.
  3. Drawing from imagination. They are told to think that they are on the beach, or in the mountains or in a bedroom. They have to imagine how is it, where, what's on it, persons, animals, plants, objects...
  4. Drawing an invention. They have to invent  machines, objects, vehicles.... 

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